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Sujet : Pics of Day 2 Natsu Basho

  1. #1

    Pics of Day 2 Natsu Basho

    Very funny day today, I had to speak a lot of japanese .

    I went to Takanohana Beya in the morning to watch keiko and afterwards I had to meet Keiko-san, Takanohana's wife. Somehow I thought our appointment would be after the training, but obviously I was wrong. I rang the bell at the office and downstairs came Suzunohana and not Keiko-san :-O . My japanese has improved very much (Whistling...) so I tried to explain to him which ended that he went upstairs to call for Takashoma. Hey, and it worked Takashoma is much more used to poor japanese and could help.
    In the Kokugikan an old man discussed the Kanji with me and now he thinks I am an expert (In jonokuchi...) , later during Makuuchi a japanese couple shared their pommes frites with me and we also shared our respect for certain rikishi. So we agreed about Asasekiryu ( well the man clapped and shouted and whistled, so my ears are still hurting) and Kotomitsuki and Chiyotaikai and a lot of others, but when Asashoryu made it over Homasho (luckily, because he was a bit careless) he really went furious and punched the balustrade for minutes. I hardly dared to clap for Asa .

    So today, cause I missed all the morning bouts and came hardly in time for my adoptee Takakiho, which didn't help him a lot, mostly Makushita guys and tomorrow we will have the big boys ...

    Kainowaka, already big enough but very dynamic today, in the end he didn't realize that he won the bout


    Kakureizan lost today against Jukan

    our daily Hoshikaze, ok every second day ...

    Sotenzan lost against Kasugakuni

    Yotsuguruma lost against Mori - seems I hade a heart for the loosers today


    Tamawashi, yesssssss won against Shibuya

    Kirinoumi won against Hikarikaze

    I cross my fingers for Tokusegawa this time to make it to Juryo

    Kirinowaka won against Hokutoiwa

    Kotokasuga lost against Yoshiazuma

    and finally Ichihara was disappointing with his oshidashi and Kitataiki really angry

    for all shimpan friend of this special group

    and I guess this time this helped Asa

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    mai 2007
    Ile de France
    Thank you for those wonderful pics !

    Those are fantastic too !!! >>>>

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