Suite à son 3-12 du Nagoya basho et sa relégation en makushita, l'ancien komusubi Wakanoyama a décidé de prendre sa retraite.

le toshiyori qu'il vient d'acquérir est : Yamawake

Merci à Moti Dichne

"Wakanoyama retires

Ex- Komusubi Wakanoyama (Musashigawa beya) has retired. He will definitely drop to Makushita next basho, so where's the fun?? He has been assigned the Yamawake stock, which became available amid a flurry of recent stock exchanges that can be viewed here. One time Kanto-sho winner, January 2001."

Une petite pensée à Hoshifransu qui aimait bien ce lutteur !