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Sujet : Translators and layout-maker sought for MDS-e

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    décembre 2004

    Translators and layout-maker sought for MDS-e

    Excuse me for posting in English, but it is Le Monde du Sumo English-language section I am recruiting for.

    Le Monde du Sumo English-language section (, just click on "English" link on the top) could do with another translator or two. We are managing OK as it is, but with more translators we could expand the portion of LMdS that gets translated (suggestions are welcome, of course).

    So, needed are:

    - a couple of French -> English translators. They do not have to be native English speakers, good knowledge of both French and English will suffice.

    - one (1) Web-page layout maker, with some understanding of HTML and PHP language and tags. The job is to create a web-page from Word documents translators and proofreaders produce. The MDS site is dynamic and uses a data base, so all the files of the English section have to be on a particular format. There are instructions, so the layout should not be too difficult. I am a living proof - never created a web-page in my life, but still manage to do the layouts for MDS-e...

    All those willing, please contact me by message or mail for further information, and please state for which position you are applying. Thank you!

    If you, as a reader, have some suggestions on improving the English edition or articles to translate, feel free to let me know as well...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    mars 2002
    Merci d'avance aux futurs volontaires... surtout sur la partie "web", pour laquelle il n'est vraiment pas nécessaire de maîtriser la langue anglaise sur le bout des doigts !!
    (bon, un minimum est quand même utile, car la plupart des échanges se font en anglais )

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    décembre 2004
    Volunteers still needed! See the first post in the thread.

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