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Sujet : Finit- Hakuho, prices and flying gyoji

  1. #1

    Finit- Hakuho, prices and flying gyoji

    Aki Basho Senshuraku

    Unbelievable, the Takamisakari of the lower divisions, Juban, managed his best result ever, 6-1 and after 34 basho he will be up to his highest ranking in Sandanme (Sign of approval...)

    My Kainohama from Tomozuna Beya is again better than his brazilian mate Kaisei, 5-2 for him (Clapping wildly...)

    Kihonoumi got a mk, but he did great in upper makushita, still have some hope for him

    Sokokurai kk today


    Ketteisen between Hoshizakura and Hatayama for the Jonidan yusho

    Makushita winner Tamawashi (Sign of approval...)

    great basho for Kakuryu (Showing respect...) (Sign of approval...) (Clapping wildly...)

    and Kotoshogiku back to sanyaku - at least I hope so for him

    Good result for Mickey (Showing respect...)

    Aminishiki bleading on the last day

    Chiyotaikai could not win against the Yokozuna

    the winner

    because he looks so good and is such a nice person ...

    mongolian price

    and more prices, one more bautiful than the other (Whistling...)

    Shukun-sho and Kanto sho

    and at the end of the day some sake for the shin deshi and a flying Gyoji

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de Immyr
    novembre 2005
    St-Amand Sur Sèvre
    Takanohana -> From Model For Sumo Magazines to Model For Hugo Boss What happened to him... he looks .... I don't know... somehow "ill"...

    Wonderful photos as always Fayme-San.
    “Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act.” (Leonard Cohen)

  3. #3
    Oui, c'est vrai ça, il a l'air "diminué" je dirais. Mais il est souriant, ce qui fait toujours plaisir à voir.

    Merci pour cette superbe série, encore une fois.
    Père Boulon

    Il n'y a de richesse que d'Hommes.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Avatar de yomugi
    mars 2005
    pas facile
    Thank you Fayme_Kln for all these great pictures during this basho !

  5. #5
    Senior Member Avatar de liclic
    janvier 2004
    Longueuil (canada)
    2 952
    Pensez-vous que ses problèmes hépathiques sont réapparus pour takanohana oyakata?
    Ceci est un secret.....

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