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What is vBulletin-Glossary?
With this glossary you can create a directory of terms with detailed explanations. The common look of this system contains different categories with various entries.
How does vBulletin-Glossary look like?
The glossary uses several different categories (eg. for different topics) which contains entries (eg. with detailed explanations).
On the glossary's mainpage you find a category overview and statistics with the number of entries and attachments. You can see which user has written the last entry.
How to start?
Click on the category name and you will be forwarded to the entries in this category. An entry contains a keyword and a detailed explanation.
To create a new entry, click on the button 'New entry' (maybe you need special permissions for this as the administrator can restrict this function).
Entries can be sorted in various ways. Normally they are sorted alphabetical. You can change this easily by clicking in the table headers (entry, created on, created by, last edit) in the way you want it to be displayed. By clicking on the small arrow in the table headers you can revert the display order.
If there are many entries in a category then a pagination box will be displayed. You can switch easily the pages with this function.
This is a common vBulletin function and is used on many different places on your forum.
How can I read an entry?
To read an entry just click on the title. Every single entry was created by an user or guest. You find some information to the author above the entry.
There are several functions, if enabled, when viewing an entry. If you can't see these buttons you are not logged in or you don't have permission to use them.
If you already know which category you want to view, you can use the 'Jump to' menu at the end of most pages within the glossary.
I want more informations about the author!
To gain more information about the authors you can click on the username to be forwarded to the userprofile.
How do I post and format entries?
When posting entries you may wish to include some formatting such as bold text, italic text and underlined text.
Adding formatting to your post can be done in two ways:
Clickable controls are available in the Standard and Enhanced WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. The difference between these is that the standard editor will show the BB code in your message and be processed when it is displayed. The enhanced WYSIWYG editor will show your message as it will be displayed while you are typing.
To use these, simply click the button, for example the B (bold) button and then type to get bold text. Click the button again to stop using that formatting. You can also highlight text that you have already typed then click the formatting button to format existing text.
BB code is a special set of codes similar to HTML that can be used in posts to the board. To see the full list of BB code tags that can be used on this site and examples of their use, click here.
How to search vBulletin-Glossary?
You can use the search link in navbar to search for glossary entries. Enter the word or search term to search for. You can also set how to display search results.
If you want to search in a more advanced way, click on the 'Advanced Search' link in the popup-menu. Here you can search for certain terms or entries from a specific user or for entries with certain search terms.
What are thread tools?
Above every entry there are some thread tools. Click on this link and a new window will appear (if the administrator has enabled them):