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09/05/2009, 12h24
Some first pics from the Natsu Basho 09: Dohyo matsuri


09/05/2009, 12h49
Thank You Fay ! :wink:

09/05/2009, 13h58
Basho tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime ! Yessssssss ! :D

Thanks a lot, Fay

10/05/2009, 17h07
Keiko at Kokonoe Beya

We arrived at half past seven at the heya and only missed most of the jonokuchi and new guys, among them the new mongolian Ganbaatar, large but very thin in the moment.

One of the newer ones - Aimoto - did extremely well in keiko and will be worth to remember for the future.

I still have in mind when I visited keiko at Kokonoe some time earlier that there was a young guy who made his first steps into professional sumo. He was leaning mostly at the wall and he didn't know at all what to do. But this young man has developped well and I think it's worth to keep Okinoshita at least in my mind.

As usual at Kokonoe Beya, we saw mostly duels between two similar ranked rikishi. All had 10-15 bouts followed by short butsukari geiko. Last team were Chiyoarashi (did I already tell, that I support him ;-) ) and Chiyonokuni. Chiyoarashi started a bit slow but could win all bouts at the end. Both got some tips from Chiyohakuho.

Chiyohakuho played with nearly all guys and threw them around. Young Ganbaatar wanted to take part at the game but Chiyohakuho refused, a bit too dangerous for a guy with no experience.

Chiyotaikai didn't look so good, he had a massage of his arms and elbows and grimaced with pain. But he was strong enough for poor Chiyonoshin who had to bear a number of tachiai and was left with a red, red breast.

All this with minutes of hot tea and breath of the Oyakata behind us ...

And here are some pics:


10/05/2009, 18h23
Danke schön :D

10/05/2009, 19h39
Some more pics during the day:


10/05/2009, 20h01
This one looks Mongolian. Is it Ganbaatar ?

10/05/2009, 21h13
Very great pictures ! Thanks

Kaisei of Tomozuna Beya where is he from ?


10/05/2009, 22h31
This one looks Mongolian. Is it Ganbaatar ?

Yes that's Ganbaaar.

10/05/2009, 22h36
Very great pictures ! Thanks

Kaisei of Tomozuna Beya where is he from ?


Kaisei is from Brasilia.

11/05/2009, 16h27
I went to the heya this morning to get all my tickets for the basho. And who else than Takanohana Beya could have items like this, chopsticks in noble design, nearly too precious to eat with them ;-).


But before this there was keiko at Michinoku Beya.

Nearly too late to see Sandanme Daigen, he could win his last bout and had intensive keiko judging by the sweat on his body.

Tosa had some bouts with Kirizakura, Ryuho with Kirinishiki. Kirinishiki looked good in this fights and I think he will make the jump to makushita again.

Toyozakura was busy looking around and pumping some iron, Hakubo came late, made only some basic movements.

Jumonji took Kirinowaka, slightly vantages for Kirinowaka. But this little poisoned dwarf wasn't so much engaged in training but in badgering a jonidan guy. I don't know what Wakagawa did wrong but he first was hounded by one oyakata and then all the time by Kirinowaka. The boy couldn't do anything which was right in his eyes. He had to carry weight for minutes, got beatings all the time, was corrected how to carry the towel, was beaten with it. When he offered the towel Kirinowaka wanted him to adjust the mawashi, when he touched the mawashi, the towel was in his face again. A hopeless situation for the young man. He hardly could say the usual "hai" even this could have been a provocation again, worth the next slap in the face.

We were not so amused, but Kirinowaka got his slappings on the dohyo today (Neener, neener...)

So here are the pics of Michinoku Beya


and the pics of Day02


12/05/2009, 16h56
Kasugano Beya today.

The training was held by Tochinohana - sitting next to the flowers.

All sekitori were short to be seen. Tochiozan, Kimiruyama, Tochinoshin had about 3/4 bouts, Tochinonada one and Kasuganishiki stood in his corner.

I'm not so familiar with the younger guys from the heya, all had a soft training. Seems I made a little Yashiki session, he lost all his bouts except one, but went against regular makushita guys. Today he lost unlucky against Kirinishiki but showed a good bout.

Early enough for the best of Jonokuchi. The new Takanohana rikishi Takatoshi and Takanoiwa were the best today (Sign of approval...) .

A lot of pics:

Kasugano Beya


Pics of Day 03


and a Yokozuna Dohyo Iri


12/05/2009, 20h44
Thanks for sharing all this, Fay :D

13/05/2009, 18h57
Pics of

Hakkaku Beya



during the day


14/05/2009, 18h48
Today the day started with Maezumo. Couldn't remember the names and identify them, best one today was Kamiyutaka (at least that's the name I have in mind :-o).

So see the Maezumo guys and the pics from day 05


15/05/2009, 08h33
Very nice pictures. I like the ones in heya the most. These pictures are precious documents.

15/05/2009, 17h30
Early in the morning we made our way to Onomatsu Beya. Not so much action but we had the chance to see my Onomatsu favourite Fujimoto giving a private teaching lesson to the shin deshi Amatsu and Suekawa. Amatsu, Jonidan 102 in the moment, looks quite promising.

Fujimoto then entertained us for half an hour after the training. His result at the moment is 0-3 :-O but he promised 4 straight wins from now on. "Yes, you can!"

Picture from Onomatsu Beya


and from Day 06


with a special series of the fight between Sokokurai and Fukao.

15/05/2009, 18h44
Thank you very much once again :D ...

Don't forget to say "Hello" to Harumi if you meet her :wink:

With all the pictures of your collection maybe a Book will be a good idea 8)

16/05/2009, 16h09
Keiko at Miyagino Beya this morning. Some stretching and warming up, a little bout training, Hokazan had some back pain and did only use the teppo. One unluckier guy had to suffer Hakuho's tachiai. The whole building was trembling ...

A young boy joined the training and was instructed by Hokazan, Hakuho and the Oyakata about some basics. Hakuho was in a very good mood, a lot of laughing and smiling.

so some pics of Miyagino Beya and some during the day including one very new Oyakata, the one and only former Otsukasa:



17/05/2009, 16h24
No keiko today, only a short walk to Izutsu Beya to make a smalltalk and an appointment for next week with Kakuryu :P :P
So see today the presentation of the new recruits and the usual pics of the day:



17/05/2009, 19h28
No keiko today, only a short walk to Izutsu Beya to make a smalltalk and an appointment for next week with Kakuryu :P :P
Please tell him he has a lot of admirers in Europe and we all wish him first to stay sanyaku and then to go higher, because he is very talented. 8) :D

You lucky one ! :wink:

18/05/2009, 19h22
This morning keiko at Isegahama Beya. Don't know why Tsubakifuji has short hair again, he did a lot this morning, but unfortuately couldn't win a single bout.
The Sekitori were all there but only Aminishiki and Asofuji had some training. Harumafuji was walking around mostly and yawning. He only twice fooled his Oyakata, when his watchdog outside told them that the Oyakata is in sight. Then he jumped on the dohyo to spin around Asofuji.

Kyokushuho is back again, yesterday he lost against my Fujimoto, today he had another loss against 0-4 Aoba. I don't know what is wrong, he has no visible injury but he looks a bit flabby and unmotivated.

Here are the pics of Isehama Beya and some more during Day 09:



19/05/2009, 21h38
Had a long lasting dinner with Onomatsu oyakata tonight with a little interview. The translation will last a bit.

So see before some pics of Day 10:


20/05/2009, 08h58
Thank you very much Fay ! :wink:

20/05/2009, 13h03
J'espère que Baruto avait mis son déodorant 24H, parce que sinon je ne réponds pas de la victoire d'Asashoryu demain :wink:

20/05/2009, 13h39
@ Fay : I couldn't find any pic of Shotenro in your Natsu basho pics. Did I miss one ? Or do you hate him ? :wink:

If you have the opportunity before the end of the basho. Could you take one ? I would be very grateful :D

20/05/2009, 16h37
@ Fay : I couldn't find any pic of Shotenro in your Natsu basho pics. Did I miss one ? Or do you hate him ? :wink:

If you have the opportunity before the end of the basho. Could you take one ? I would be very grateful :D

Oooo, I thought I had posted one or two, I definitely took him several times. I will try again tomorrow, otherwise I look in the "old" pics from the basho.

21/05/2009, 18h24
Keiko at Sadogatake Beya.

Only light training, Kotokobai - Kotokashiwadani, most wins for Kotokobai, Kotoyuki - Kotokensei, Kotokensei won nearly every bout, a bit tachiai training for Kotoyutaka, Kotokuni, Kotoshogiku and Kotooshu. Kotokasuga sat around like always and Kotomitsuki was concentrating on his Yokozuna fight today. Kotomyozan tried to stand close to Kotoshogiku all the time cause he knows that's a picture with him ;-).

After training they told me that they just phoned because of the event in Amsterdam. Some people seem to be a bit concerned because of the influenza and the drug problems in the Nederlands. Well, I told them to drink there coffee not in a coffeshop, cause they might get something else than sugar ;-). But the okamisan was not so concerned, she said that japanese people tend to be a bit more cautious than others.

Some really nice presents, the wedding clock from Kotomitsuki, a sake pot, yukata material and a new towel from Kotoshogiku.




Pics of Sadogatake Beya and pics during the day and two Shotenro for Francine (sorry that he lost to my Kotoshogiku ;-) )



21/05/2009, 19h06
Thanks for the dedicace, Fay :D I really appreciate. I think I never saw Shotenro's face before.

Some really incredible shots. Congratulations 8)

ps : the first link is not working on my computer

22/05/2009, 19h23
Keiko at Tomozuna Beya.

All rikishi were there, even the Ozeki.

Our youngster-group started the training. Kainoryu, who is the most talented of them - in my opinion - and who has already kk and could even get a 5-2, had nearly 30 bouts with his co-youngsters and he only lost 3 of them. Even after the bouts he continued with training while the others only stood there and watched the rest of keiko and Kainokura left for his bout.

The Ozeki made a bit of stretching, that was all.

Pics of Tomozuna Beya and from Day 13 with the Jonokuchi and Sandanme winners and the bout of Hakuho against Harumafuji :



22/05/2009, 19h43
Keiko at Tomozuna Beya.

All rikishi were there, even the Ozeki.

You know what ? I'm Happy

Thank you very much :D

23/05/2009, 17h46
Pics of Day 14 with some lower divisions and some bouts, among them the both yokozuna.


24/05/2009, 21h41
Last pics from the basho

all yusho winners, a lot of salt, some bouts and as I will go out with Kakuryu :-* ;) tomorrow (today) I choose the Tomozuna party for senshuraku. The usual argument from my friend, who knows how long we can see Kaio there ...

Pics of day 15

some bouts

and the Tomozuna boys

25/05/2009, 17h00
Last pics from my last day in Tokyo, from tomorrow on I can relax again. I don't dare to tell my boss that this is not really a recreation holiday ;-).

While buying some souvenirs for friends an family we saw Fujimoto-san this morning by accident at the train station with his mother as he explained, unfortunately on the other side. I yelled across the tracks FUJIMOTO SAN and everybody seemed a bit concerned about my mental health, everybody except Fujimoto I hope ;-).

In the evening the dinner with Kakuryu who first said that he would bring his tsukibito but who brought Makushita yusho winner and shin juryo Tokusegawa with him (On the banzuke...) (Holiday feeling...)













26/05/2009, 09h16
Thank you for sharing with us all these pictures. This basho was fantastic and so were your pictures.

26/05/2009, 09h41
What a great evening you must have spent with these two happy guys !

Kaku did a fantastic basho for his first time as komusubi, and so did Tokusegawa with his beautiful makushita yusho. 8) :D