Afficher la version complète : wakanoho perd son procès contre la NSK

31/10/2008, 09h49

TOKYO, Oct. 30 (AP) - (Kyodo)—The Tokyo District Court on Thursday turned down a suit filed by former Russian sumo wrestler Wakahono seeking a provisional court order to nullify his dismissal from the Japan Sumo Association for allegedly possessing marijuana, his defense lawyer said.

Judge Shigeru Nakanishi ruled that the alleged possession of marijuana is a major illegal act and the sumo association's decision is not as severe as claimed by the disgraced grappler, lawyer Makoto Miyata said.

Wakanoho was disappointed by the court's decision, Miyata said.

The sumo association dismissed Wakanoho, 20, whose real name is Gagloev Soslan Aleksandrovich, as a member sumo wrestler on Aug. 21, three days after he was arrested on suspicion of possessing marijuana.

Prosecutors later decided not to file criminal charges against Wakanoho apparently because he was a minor at 19 when he was allegedly in possession of marijuana and the amount of the drug was very small.

On Sept. 11, Wakanoho filed a lawsuit against the Japan Sumo Association, arguing that the dismissal penalty was too severe compared with previous cases.

He also sought a provisional injunction to nullify his dismissal to avoid being deported from Japan because his visa would expire three months after the dismissal.

After being sacked as a sumo wrestler, Wakanoho told the Shukan Gendai weekly magazine that he had once fixed sumo matches, naming four active wrestlers.

31/10/2008, 20h36
No comment en ce qui me concerne.

Adieu Wakanoho.

31/10/2008, 21h18
D'après sumoforum, le procès serait en fait repoussé, le temps pour Wakanohô de renouveler son visa, car lorsque le procès débutera, il n'aurait plus le droit de séjourner au Japon...

01/11/2008, 10h12
Je suis désolé de ne parler que français.

03/11/2008, 10h08
merci pour ces précisions Sakana !
en gros, il est sur un siège ejectable ? :lol: ! :wink:

03/11/2008, 12h13
D'après sumoforum, le procès serait en fait repoussé, le temps pour Wakanohô de renouveler son visa, car lorsque le procès débutera, il n'aurait plus le droit de séjourner au Japon...

Oui, voila ce qu'on trouve sur SumoTalk.com :
"Former Makuuchi rikishi Wakanoho's request to have his residency status preserved was rejected yesterday by a Tokyo court. The action means that Wakanoho will likely have to leave the country by mid-November or be deported. Wakanoho's lawyer explained that when he first filed the motion to have Wakanoho's residency status upheld until his standing with the Sumo Association could be worked out that the court seemed willing to enter some sort of settlement, but after Wakanoho turned against the Association by claiming yaocho in a series of Shukan Gendai articles, the court changed it's mind. "It's unfortunate, but it can't be denied that his actions against his former employee affected the court's decision." Wakanoho's current visa is what's known as an entertainment visa given to foreigners who play sports in Japan, but if an athlete is disassociated from his organization for three months, then his status is immediately revoked. Since Wakanoho was excommunicated from sumo on August 21st, he has about three weeks left on his visa. "He is extremely dejected," Wakanoho's lawyer stated, "and we're examining any remaining options at the moment."

En gros, le visa de Wakanoho était un visa "d'artiste" spécifique aux étrangers sportifs professionels au Japon, et le fait que son organisme tutélaire, en l'occurence la NSK, le renvoie, supprime automatiquement le visa en cours, et limite à trois semaines le temps maximum de résidence au Japon. D'après l'article, il y aurait eu un changement dans l'attitude du tribunal qui était prêt à négocier avant l'article sur les yaocho, mais qui ne l'est plus depuis...

03/11/2008, 12h28
No comment, je suis bien d'accord avec toi.

03/11/2008, 19h29
Tous ces efforts, toutes ses années de travail parties en fumée (sic)... :?

04/11/2008, 16h33
Ce qui est dommage, c'est que Wakanoho n'a rien compris à son (ex) pays d'adoption. Il était évident que de baver sur la NSK n'allait rien lui apporter, surtout avec de telles affirmations sans preuves. J'espère au moins que le Shukan Gendai l'a bien rémunéré, sinon il a vraiment tout perdu.

04/11/2008, 21h21
Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi Pereboulon...
Quel gâchis...