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13/07/2008, 13h27
Les combats de la 1ère journée en jûryô.


13/07/2008, 13h36
Thank you so much for the videos!

13/07/2008, 16h28
Looks like I hurried up a bit with my enthusiasm.
A required paypal donation...
So from now on you will show only half of the bouts unless you get paid?

I also could have require people to pay me if they want to play Sekitori Oracle or Quadrumvirate. I spent a lot of time (and I guess you too) to create my site and to add new features but I am just happy if people want to visit my site and play the games. I don't want to make money on that.

And there are much more people who spent their valuable time to deliver al kinds of stuff for us (internet sumo community) - games, magazines, forums etc. And they all do it for free.
Some have paypal account but they don't make it mandatory to pay.

It is a pity you decided to make money on your videos :-(

13/07/2008, 17h07
I am very far from "making money"...

13/07/2008, 17h12
though I haven't figured out yet how to make use of my payment, let's not take info-sumo for granted. Just because some people can afford to this for free doesn't mean everyone should...

We have no idea of any of the economic specifics behind the decision. And he shouldn't have to disclose this information to satisfy us. The most obvious difference between his service and yours is the enormous difference in bandwidth requirements considering this site is full of flash-video. You had to disable normal functions on one occasion becasue of exceeding bandwidth, right? And this was without video, just to ensure you could keep free ISP. Info-sumo may just be trying to break even. If there is a surplus this basho, coming basho may be free until another one is necessary, making this more of a fundraiser than a profit-grab.

Even of coming basho still require donation, it seems to be "pay as you wish." This is also not indicative of a profit-driven mentality.

13/07/2008, 17h43
As I explained a few minutes ago to a friend in a private message, hosting many Gigabits of video can't be free.
I don't own a server, I rent one, and it has been so for many year.
Yearly cost for a dedicated server is around 1080€ when there is no problem (hire of specialists when I have problems - hacks for instance - 3 times within 6 years).
A server has to be rented according to its activity. When you see 1000 people downloading large files everyday, you don't take the cheapest one. It wouldn't last one day...
You just add the cost to get japanese TV and you will get a good idea of the only financial cost.

After that you can take into account the time you spend and compare.
I don't participate in any game. Why? just because I have no time for it, as I manage to make clips as quickly as possible to satisfy everybody.
I even don't participate much in the forum discusson during basho for the same reason.

I m sure that if I stop making these clips, I will find time to play sumo games or participate in all sumo forums, and surely loose less money. This basho is a kind of test to check if I'd not better wait for someone else to do the job. For free of course :wink:

13/07/2008, 18h45
Ok, I know a high bandwidth can be expensive, but never realised it is that expensive. Aren't there any cheaper options? 1000 euro per year is indeed a lot.

When I was searching for web hosting with ASP.NET and SQL Server I found some not so expensive hostings with unlimited disc space and unlimited bandwidth for about 10$ per month.

I suspect this unlimitedness doesn't apply for video files, but maybe I am wrong. If you want to have a look here is one of them:


On the other hand, I suspect 99% of people watch bouts of current day of the current basho only.
Maybe it could be much cheaper if you keep on the server only the current videos.

14/07/2008, 02h41
Oui info-Sumo. Vous avez tout a fait raison de demander un petit soutien financier. Et je m excuse d ors et deja de ne pas l avoir fait auparavant. La qualite de votre travail ne supporte aucun questionnement ou justificatif de cette petite requette. Comme vous l avez dit chacun donne ce qu il peut et personne n est oblige de regarder vos videos.
Je vous souhaite bon courage pour le tournoi et merci encore pour tout ces moments geniaux.
Big up :D

14/07/2008, 04h37
Oups! Par contre je ne vois que le message, aucune video en Juryo ou Makuuchi. Et je n ai aucun message dans ma boite. Si quelqu un peut me tuyauter? Desole je suis classe zero en informatique.
Merci :(

14/07/2008, 10h15
J'ai eu le même problème hier, Masterfab :wink:

En fait, dès que tu fais un don à info-sumo, (et que tu deviens un membre "donateur"), il y a automatiquement une rubrique supplémentaire qui s'ouvre sur le forum "video plus" je crois. Tous les combats (juryo et makuuchi) sont dedans!

14/07/2008, 10h37
Pas exactement. Il y a bien une rubrique supplémentaire mais qui s'ouvre manuellement après que je l'ai validée moi-même. Tout n'est pas automatisé encore.
A 4h37 du matin je suis encore dans mon lit et mes employés ne sont pas encore arrivés :D
Mais masterfab a du voir quelque chose de nouveau maintenant.

14/07/2008, 10h49
When I was searching for web hosting with ASP.NET and SQL Server I found some not so expensive hostings with unlimited disc space and unlimited bandwidth for about 10$ per month.

I suspect this unlimitedness doesn't apply for video files, but maybe I am wrong. If you want to have a look here is one of them:


I took a very close look at this and it took me time to understand why it was so cheap.
First: they don't propose dedicated servers but VPS (Virtual Private Servers). It's far from being the same thing. Though details look interesting, they are are not very clear about what is shared: hard disk, memory, bandwidth.
Second: the price is the one for a 24 month payment...

I think american hosting companies are cheaper than the ones in Europe but I don't know them. I'll take time to compare some of them when I find them. Anyway one never gets a good enough dedicated server for only 10$ a month.
If you know trustable companies that propose dedicated servers, please let me know.

14/07/2008, 14h23
I m sure that if I stop making these clips, I will find time to play sumo games or participate in all sumo forums, and surely loose less money. This basho is a kind of test to check if I'd not better wait for someone else to do the job. For free of course :wink:
Does this mean that even if we donate a certain amount of money (I don't know what is required, and whether it reduces over time or not), it's not sure you're going to continue with this service, as if not enough people donate you would stop ?

It's that I don't want to donate let's say 20 euros if after this basho you're deciding to stop with it.

14/07/2008, 14h30
Le webmestre serait-il vénal à ce point et arnaquerait-il les membres donateurs en récupérant leurs contributions et arrêtant dans le même temps la diffusion? Un type louche en effet. Tu as raison Vikanohara, mieux vaut s'abstenir et aller voir ailleurs... :wink:

14/07/2008, 15h06
Does this mean that even if we donate a certain amount of money (I don't know what is required, and whether it reduces over time or not), it's not sure you're going to continue with this service, as if not enough people donate you would stop ?

It's that I don't want to donate let's say 20 euros if after this basho you're deciding to stop with it.

You don't take it the right way. If you donate, you do it according to what you got in the past. This website has been online for more than 6 years and video clips for the last 3 years... free!
You don't buy a service for the future.
I can take holidays, meet friend, just decide that I am tired anytime. When I work I earn much more than 20€.
When I hire a computer specialist after being hacked, I usually pay 200€. Did you know? It happened already 3 times in the past. Did I tell anyone about this? No, because I know most people don't mind as long as they don't have to pay anything.

The only thing you can be sure of, is that I'll try to manage to upload files everyday during this Nagoya basho.
Aki basho may be another story or exactly the same story.
Actually I might spend some time in Tokyo in september.

14/07/2008, 15h20
I can't know you have been doing this job so long already, as only about a year ago I began watching. But I get your point. Recently I've already donated for two online games and indeed it was because I felt I had been enjoying their 'service' over the past and I decided it was time for me to honour their efforts and time they put in it. There are some differences though: I've been playing those for two years, and it wasn't mandatory at all.

Anyway, I'm sure willing to donate, but can't we donate using Wallie Payment ? It's much easier than PayPal. I don't have a credit card and I believe that is needed for PayPal. While for Wallie all you need is to buy such a card in some shop and then put in the code on that card.

14/07/2008, 19h09
how much do you want us to pay? i don't have much money.. :(

14/07/2008, 19h14
I don't want anyone to "pay".
If you don't have much, it's better to keep you money.

15/07/2008, 13h30
Can't we donate using Wallie Payment ? It's much easier than PayPal. I don't have a credit card and I believe that is needed for PayPal. While for Wallie all you need is to buy such a card in some shop and then put in the code on that card.
What about this ? Will other payment methods be added ?

16/07/2008, 00h08
Merci Info-Sumo
Avec ma pauvre comprehension ca m a pris des heures pour comprendre comment avoir acces aux video mais finalement j ai trouve.

Je m en suis delecte, et avec des bonus en plus.
Par contre on ne peut pas ecrire de mail de commentaire?
Merci beaucoup et bon courage. :D

16/07/2008, 11h14
Sujet déplacé, renommé et fermé.