Afficher la version complète : streaming schedule

13/03/2008, 13h28
This may not be the place to ask this so sorry up front, but when does the NHK Streaming show up on your web site. IE what time EURO time or USA EST time? Thanks so much for everything you do!

13/03/2008, 16h35
Just the same time as on NSK website:
Around 8 am Paris time (7 am london time or 2 am NY time). Better be early to get a slot and keep it till the end.

13/03/2008, 20h34
Just the same time as on NSK website:
Around 8 am Paris time (7 am london time or 2 am NY time). Better be early to get a slot and keep it till the end.

Thanks so very very much for your help! Who needs sleep anyway when a BASHO is going on. Just have to move to your nice city to be on the right time I guess!