Afficher la version complète : Dernier examen physique

04/07/2006, 12h54
Ci-dessous pour les anglophones un article du mainichi du jour (bien inquiétant sur la future relève japonaise!!!)

Only 1 prospective sumo apprentice turns up for physical exam in Nagoya
Aspiring sumo apprentice Tomoharu Kato undergoes a physical exam in Nagoya on Monday.

NAGOYA -- Only one prospective sumo wrestler turned up for a physical exam for new apprentices ahead of the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament, matching the lowest figure on record.

Appearing for the physical exam, held at a hospital in Nagoya on Monday, was 15-year-old apprentice Tomoharu Kato, from the Chiganoura Stable.

In the last 36 years of available records, it was only the second time that just one applicant had turned up for the exam. The last time was in the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament in 2000.

"It's disappointing that I've got no fellow apprentices from the same period," Kato said. The 15-year-old said he was a fan of Ozeki Hakuho. "I want to become a ranked wrestler in four years and become a yokozuna in the future," he said.

Kato cleared the height and weight requirements (being at least 173 centimeters tall and weighing at least 75 kilograms), and measured his gripping power and back-muscle strength. The result of his application to become an apprentice will be announced on Sunday, the first day of the Nagoya tournament, after he has undergone further physical tests. (Mainichi)

04/07/2006, 13h26
C'est vrai que d'habitude, il y en a un peu plus qui rentre au Nagoya basho, mais guère plus. C'est surtout lors du haru basho que les jeunes recrues débutent car c'est la fin de l'année scolaire au Japon.
Toutefois, c'est une preuve de plus que le sumo a du mal à plaire, actuellement, la jeune génération.

05/07/2006, 00h37
Et pour ce valeureux esseulé, on ne pourra pas faire de comparaison de promotion, pour voir s'il monte plus vite que ses petits camarades arrivés en même temps que lui. Dernièrement on constatait que seul Daimanazuru était parvenu en Makuuchi parmi sa fournée (en 1992 je crois, mais je ne sais quel basho).